The daily Kompas newspaper Indonesia is headquartered in Jakarta. Compass is published by PT Kompas Media Nusantara which is part of the Kompas-Gramedia group effort (KG), founded by PK Ojong. (deceased) and Jakob Oetama since June 28, 1965. Carrying the motto "mandate of the people's conscience", compass is known as a trusted source of information, accurate, and insightful. More than two million readers and the achievement of the largest print run reached 530.000 copies daily in all provinces in Indonesia. Compass continues to grow now look far ahead to bring the selected information, and terverfikasi for you.
Recruitment (interviews and written tests) done around August-September 2014 in cities:
- Medan
- Palembang
- Balikpapan
- Makassar
- Ambon/Manokwari
- Have not been following the selection process for the reporter's Compass
- Bachelorette with a maximum age of 28 years old, healthy and are not color blind
- Min S1 all Education-majors from top universities with the min GPA 3.00
- Familiar with digital media and social media
- Can foreign language (language of United Kingdom Passive min.)
- Preferably have experience writing or campus press activities
- Placement in Aceh, Medan, Padang, Palembang, Pangkal Pinang, Bengkulu, Lampung, Indonesia
- Palu, Kendari, Palangkaraya, Samarinda, Balikpapan, Ternate and Manokwari
- We wait for your cover letter no later than August 15, 2014, complete curriculum vitare (accompanied by a recent photo),
- ID card, transcript of grades and a diploma of education, and an example of writing on:
If you are interested with this info please follow these steps:
Should you interested, please apply at the Open Bank Kompas
Hrd Recruitments
or email to: