The Ministry of tourism and Creative Economy opens opportunities to citizens of Indonesia who have high integrity and commitment to be a candidate for civil servants. For those who meet the requirements of civil and pass the selection organized by the selection Committee Acceptance CPNS. Placement, educational qualifications and the allocation of the formation as attached.
- citizen of Indonesia who have educational qualifications in accordance with the required personnel;
- men and women with the age of at least 18 (eighteen) years of age and up to 35 (thirty-five) years of age on December 31, 2013;
- Suitably S1, DIV, DIII or synchronised, both graduates of State or private university which has been accredited by Accreditation Bodies
- National (BAN-PT) at least B or Foreign Universities that have got the endorsement of the Kemdikbud with the requirements applicants must have an index of achievement
- Komulatif GPA of at least 3.00 (three comma zero) on a scale of 4 (four). Explanation letter pass or temporary certificate shall not apply;
- healthy physical and spiritual;
- not tied to employment relationships/bond with government agencies or other private Bodies;
- do not engage directly or indirectly in the activities of organizations that are contrary to the Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the State and the Government (PUNP);
- never caught drug cases or criminal cases;
- never be dismissed with respect to the request does not own or not with reverence as a civil servant, or laid off not with respect
- as an employee/ti are private; and
- Applicants preferred United Kingdom speaks fluently either oral or written.
- has been registered as job seekers at the Labour Exchange Office job opportunity Department of manpower and transmigration (yellow card);
- create a handwritten cover letter with its own black ink and attach consecutively starting from:
- Print Out the card/proof of registration online CPNS 2013;
- Pasfoto last (colored and red background) overlooking the face, with a total of 4 x 6 size 2 (two) pieces;
- Photocopying Card Residents is still valid at the time of enrollment by as much as 1 (one) sheets;
- copy of accreditation BAN-PT at least B who had legalised and minimum valid until December 31, 2013;
- copies of Affidavits from doctors Clinics Able-bodied/government hospitals that are still valid at the time of registration;
- Photocopies of diplomas/STTB last ratified and legalised by the competent authority: the Rector/Dean/Chair/Director, and a wet Stamp (not seals
- photocopying);
- photocopy of transcript of the academic value of the legalised by the competent authority:
- Rector/Dean/Chair/Director, and a wet Stamp (not seals photocopying);
- Photocopying legalisir Affidavits police records (SKCK) to apply for the job of the local police Office that still applies as much as 1 (one)
- sheet; and
- Life History list (can be downloaded at Annex II).
If you are interested with this info please follow these steps:
Kementerian Pariwisata
Please sent your application letter to:
CPNS Recruitment
Job Opportunities for CPNS KomInfo , BankMandiri Here !!!