The Ministry of manpower and transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia open registration of Prospective civil servants by 2013 to fill the vacancy position of the General and Specific Functional Functional that will be placed at Headquarters and Implementing Technical Unit (UPT) all over Indonesia, with the following conditions:
1. General Requirements
- a citizen of Indonesia, dated at least 18 (eighteen) years of age and most high 35 (thirty-five) years as of December 1, 2013;
- never sentenced to imprisonment or confinement based on a court decision that has the force of law remain, as do a criminal act of evil;
- never be dismissed with respect to the request does not own or not with respect to as CIVIL SERVANTS or laid off not with respect as employees of the private sector;
- not serves as CIVIL SERVANTS or CPNS;
- no serves as member of the Executive Board and or political party;
- meet the educational qualifications specified;
- being of good character, physical and spiritual health;
- no color blindness especially for applicants that chose the post of Instructor;
- willing to work on work units Kemnakertrans, and willing to put in the entire territory of the State Union of Republic of Indonesia.
2. Specific Requirements
- College graduates of State/private accredited at least ' B ' or foreign universities that have got approval from the Ministry of education and culture;
- have a cumulative achievement index (IPK) at? lack of 2.75 (two seven-five comma) for graduates and undergraduate at? lack of 2.65 (two comma six five) for a graduate Diploma Three (D3);
- the allocation of Specific formation for the son/daughter of Papua, one or both of the parents of applicants is a native of New Guinea;
- for applicants with disabilities (disability) allocated to applicants who:
- no tuna netra
- No tuna talk
- Not deaf.
- Other Requirements
Applicants who declared and has been appointed as the CPNS is not allowed to resign and apply for a move for any reason before the time of work of at least 5 (five) years.
If you are interested with this info please follow these steps:
CPNS Depnaker
Please sent your application letter to:
Cpns Recruitment
Job Opportunities for CPNS Kementerian , CPNS UI Here !!!