Bank BCA Syariah The development of Islamic banking is growing quite rapidly in recent years show an interest society about Sharia economy growing. To meet the needs of the customer service of Sharia, then PT Bank BCA Shariah operates in order to realize the vision and mission of the BCA Sharia, let a variety of products, services and financing have been developed and marketed to the public. For future business development will support the business expansion of PT Bank BCA Sharia, we give the opportunity to young potential energy and develop yourself for your career.
Staff compliance and Anti money laundering
- Age 22-27 years
- Minimal S1 all majors Education
- Minimum GPA. 3.00
- Able to menggoperasikan your computer and MS Office.
- Have experience in the same field for at least 1 year (Fresh graduate are welcome to apply)
- Have the ability to think logically and analytically
- Able to work in teams
- Able to work smart and work hard
- Strong interpersonal relationships, negotiating skills and good communication, dynamic, innovative, and energetic
If you are interested with this info please follow these steps:
HC BCA Sharia
JL. Jatinegara Timur No. 72
East Jakarta
Job Opportunities for Bank Muziho , Rekayasa Industri BUMN Here!!!