Balai Pustaka Open Job Staff Library

Balai Pustaka (the spelling Van Ophuijsen spelling system: Poestaka Hall, the old spelling Javanese: Balé Poestaka) is a publishing and printing company is State-owned. Balai Pustaka was founded with the name Commissie voor de Volkslectuur (language of the Netherlands: "the Commission for people's Readings") by the Government of Netherlands East Indies on 14 September 1908.Commissie voor de Volkslectuur later transformed into "Poestaka Hall" on 22 September 1917. Balai Pustaka published approximately 350 titles per year that include dictionaries, reference books, skills, literary, social, political, religious, economic, and outreach


  • Department of library science and information (preferably from the State University in Indonesia) level S-1/D-3
  • Proficient Microsoft Office operates
  • Proficient in surfing data, web developing and maintenance, and are active in social media
  • Mastering the system library and database-based SLiMs
  • Mastering the language of United Kingdom
  • Graduating in 2010-2014 (fresh graduate)
  • Male
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Balai Pustaka
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