Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk. State-owned enterprises in the form of a limited liability company and engaged in the banking financial services. Since the year 2012, the bank is led by Director by Mahesh M. The embryo begins with the establishment of the BTN Postspaarbank in Batavia in 1897. In 1942, during the occupation of Japan in Indonesia, the bank was shut down and replaced with the Closest Tyokin or chokinkyoku. After the proclamation of the independence of Indonesia bank taken over by the Government of Indonesia and converted into postal savings Office. name and shape the next company changed several times until finally in 1998 the name was changed to the official form and apply today.
Teller Staff
Requirements :
- WNI, male female, unmarried &;
- Unmarried and willing to not being married for 2 years accounting for prospective employees
- Both are interesting and good personality;
- Height (TB): male min. 168 cm, female min. 158 cm. Weight proportionate
- Able to operate a computer (at least MS Windows, Word Excel &);
- The maximum age is 24 years old (yet the 25th birthday per 31 December 2014);
- Education at least up to D1 and D3, GPA. Min. 2.75 (scale 4.00);
- Willing to undergo a three-year bond
- Has no family relationship with the employee of Bank BTN (father/mother/daughter/sister/brother)
- Willing placed throughout Indonesia
If you are interested with this info please follow these steps:
Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk
Should you interested, please apply at the Open
Bank BTN
Bank BTN Tower 18th floor (just my Assesment Center)
JL. Gajah Mada No. 1 jakarta Pusat
Job Opportunities for Bank Victoria , Dirgantara Here!!!